To get through these difficult times together, we assist you through the implementation of an adapted crisis management plan and community engagement.

This health crisis makes us question ourselves. Personally, professionally and collectively. It is also an opportunity for us to embody more than ever our values and our mission, which is to support you.

The Zest community takes action by putting people first, through our 4 values:

🙋‍♀️ 1# Enthusiasm

To support our customers the best way possible, we have implemented a crisis management program from Day 1.

🔥 All Zesties working remotely and a highly reactive Client Success team

🔥 In 72 hours, more than 30 customer calls, 12 individual meetings to establish a crisis plan and 7 new deployments.

🤲 2# Caring

It starts by working hand in hand with our community and providing them with the best tools to overcome these challenges, together.

Actions before words: We’ve given full access to the Listen and Share features without limit of users for at least 45 days.

During these stressful times for your teams, it is essential for us to be at your side and to accompany you in setting up listening tools. Measuring the impact of the crisis, escalating emergency situations or ensuring that your Business Continuity Planning is clearly defined. 

Chris Bergeon – CEO of Zest

⚡️ 3# Simplicity

A series of 5 webinars on how to use Zest during the crisis was made available 24 hours after the lockdown announcement.

Being efficient remotely, as quickly as possible.

📅 The Crisis Management Webinar Program :

  1. Managing the crisis and implementing remote work with the Dashboard, Surveys and Engagement meter.
  2. Monitoring stress and anticipating problems with Moodand SOS
  3. Developing asynchronous collaboration with Feedback and Ideas features.
  4. Strengthening ties despite the distance with Mood and MyZest
  5. Communicating efficiently with your teams with Feedback and Company Messages

🤝 4# Teamwork 

4 survey templates dedicated to crisis management were added to the Zest Library. They were co-designed with our clients to meet their team’s needs.

A ready-to-use and helpful listening tool that responds to the context through 4 themes:

  • Long-term remote working
  • Business Continuity Planning
  • Staff in the frontline
  • People working part-time

And, finally, a mapping of our functions that are useful in times of crisis, set up with our customers and distributed to the entire #ZestCommunity.

Because we are stronger when we join our forces.

🚀 Our Mission 

At Zest, our mission is to make companies more fulfilled and efficient. We support you:

  • to face a situation of uncertainty and anxiety, such as: Coronavirus, strikes, crisis… to listen and communicate in real time, reduce stress and manage your teams remotely
  • to achieve a new work organisation through new management rituals and practices #futureofwork


Our solution is constantly improving thanks to our customers’ feedbacks and our community grows through our support channels.

Book a demo to join the Zest Community!


Take care of yourselves and your teams.
You can count on ours💚

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