U Enseigne is a cooperative of French supermarket retailers, whose main mission is to provide U Network associates with the resources and tools they need to develop their business and embody the U Enseigne vision of retailing.


Agility: survey launched in 3 weeks
Simplicity: 81% participation rate
Responsiveness: survey results made available immediately to 500 managers

U Enseigne is implementing a large-scale survey campaign as part of its transformation project: the “À l’Unisson” project, which aims to clarify the corporate project, promote U values and introduce a new participative management culture. In 2021, U Enseigne called on Zest to launch the “Qu’en dis-tu? campaign, an internal barometer enabling employees to express their views on issues that concern them.

The survey carried out with Zest among the 2,400 employees is designed to explore in greater depth the issues raised by employees in the first survey, in particular :

  • satisfaction with working at U Enseigne,
  • vision of the company
  • the relationship with the manager
  • career and working conditions.

Zest enabled us to launch a large-scale survey very quickly, thanks to a very simple tool that makes it extremely easy to set up and deploy surveys, while allowing detailed analysis and comparisons.

Antoine Thoral, Director of Internal Communications, Employer Brand

U Enseigne chose Zest because of the simplicity and user-friendliness of the tool, which enables the project to be launched and implemented very quickly, while retaining a high degree of flexibility in the configuration to take account of the specific features of the project.

Launch of the “Survey” function

Zest’s Survey functionality best met our needs, meaning a high degree of flexibility in configuring the survey, access to turnkey analyses and the requirement to share the results of a given population with the managers concerned. All the while respecting anonymity requirements, of course.

Thanks to the tool’s flexibility, the survey was built and parameterised in record time: just 3 weeks, thus meeting U Enseigne’s high standards, specific to the mass retail sector, in terms of deadlines and responsiveness. Based on a pre-existing survey database, which had to be respected in order to obtain reliable comparative analyses, and updated to take account of new challenges, the Zest Lab teams assisted U Enseigne with the construction of the questionnaire.

In addition to making standard HR surveys available via the library, this à la carte service enables U Enseigne’s Human Resources teams to capitalise on Zest’s expertise in psychometrics and work psychology and on the sharing of best practice based on feedback from some 250 Zest customers. Thanks to this human support, on Zest’s side, and to a project team seasoned in terms of communication and HRIS, on U Enseigne’s side, the launch of the survey was a real success, with a participation rate of 81% and even 91% for the manager population.

Analysing U Enseigne’s needs

The fact that the analysis requirements were taken into account before the questionnaire was designed meant that the results of the first survey could be easily integrated and a high-quality comparative analysis produced.

U Enseigne’s stringent requirements also enabled Zest to develop its analysis model and incorporate the notion of a standard profile of detractors (always respecting anonymity), taking into account seniority, membership of a given department, etc. This new standard profile was used to develop a predictive model for the analysis of detractors. Thanks to this new standard profile, a predictive model is developed to enable HR action plans to be drawn up in a much more relevant way, in relation to the given situation.

The link between eNPS and a sense of belonging is also highlighted, showing how the fact of feeling recognised has an impact on the way you evaluate your company.

Finally, the Heat Map model, i.e. the visual snapshot of the organisation based on the responses, is moving towards greater granularity by integrating an analysis by department and/or manager and by detractor/promoter/passive profile.

Create targeted HR action plans

One of the project’s main challenges is to get managers on board, and therefore to give them control over the dissemination of results and the development of action plans specific to their teams.

Zest’s simplicity and intuitiveness enable all managers to get to grips with the tool quickly and have easy access to the results. Ease of use and the absence of any technical barriers are decisive factors in getting managers involved in the project.
To go further and enable each manager to take ownership of their own results and deduce their own action plan, Zest provides them with a “Support Kit” to help them interpret the results correctly and put in place realistic and relevant action plans.

The project’s next step: we’ve already sent out a survey to managers asking them about their feedback on the Annual Performance Reviews. We want to go further in defining and introducing managerial rituals, with the same aim of empowering our managers.

For further information

Watch the replay of the “U Enseigne feedback” webinar (FR Version)

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Further Reading

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Tiphaine Letroublon
HR Manager
Zest enabled us to launch a quick poll to find out how our employees felt about the new work organisation, and on a personal level we wanted to make sure that morale followed (...) We planned to ritualise this practice and launch a new survey every two weeks, in order to take the pulse of our teams on a regular basis.

Taking the pulse of the teams in one click, remotely and during the lockdown

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Martial Vaidie
Talent Development & Training
"The most remarkable thing about the Zest project is the way in which all the stakeholders, without exception, were set in movement to explain the value of the listening process and to convince everyone to make their contribution, in a very tight timeframe."

Implement a HR transformation project in an industrial and international context

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Delphine Prieto
Human Resources Director
When we started the project with Zest, our primary goal was to ensure compliance with legal requirements for interviews (to be conducted every two years). Beyond this, we aimed to streamline and optimize the process, encouraging meaningful reflection before interviews for both managers and employees. We wanted to ensure these conversations weren't just a box-ticking exercise. Previously, we managed this process individually using basic office tools like Excel or PowerPoint, which limited our ability to develop an effective HR action plan.

Digitalizing Interviews with Zest: Insights from Les Petites Canailles